Keychain CEO Jonathan Hope Speaks About National Digital Sovereignty at Tokyo Fintech Conference
May 08 2019
Keychain CEO Jonathan Hope was invited to speak at the FINSUM fintech conference in Tokyo on the impact of blockchain technology. While the event typically focuses on fintech subject matter, Jonathan took the opportunity to address policy makers about an imminent challenge to national security and how blockchain offers a path for navigating this challenge.
Keychain CEO Jonathan Hope was invited to speak at the FINSUM fintech conference in Tokyo on the impact of blockchain technology. While the event typically focuses on fintech subject matter, Jonathan took the opportunity to address policy makers about an imminent challenge to national security and how blockchain offers a path for navigating this challenge.
Regulatory authorities from governments around the world agree on the need for engaging with a wide range of stakeholders in addressing such issues as cyber security and surveillance. Blockchain technology is no longer limited to the world of finance; it has expanded to other fields such as international trade, supply chains and logistics. In a session titled “Business and Society Made Possible by Self-Sovereign Digital Identity”, Jonathan spoke about the role blockchain will play in a next generation data infrastructure that supports national security, commerce, financial market infrastructure, and medical data portability.
Jonathan describes the Modern Blockchain Architecture --- a framework for designing systems that offers self-sovereign identity, data-centric security, and application-level consensus. Adopting this approach to systems development, innovators can obviate the need for policy makers to categorically ban technology vendors because of data sovereignty concerns and can steer us back on a path that subjugates technology to serve humanity.
To view this presentation, follow the part 1 and part 2 video links below.
Part 1. Navigating an Untrusted Digital World: A Primer for Policy Makers.
Part 2. Navigating an Untrusted Digital World; Blockchain Uses Cases.
About Keychain
The things we need in the digital world – digital identity, managed trust, permissioned data access, and digital transformation – are hindered by the lack of key capabilities. Keychain delivers these capabilities in the form of composable building blocks, enabling common development teams to fortify operational integrity, create digital assets, and discover new patterns of business --- with any data, on any device, anywhere in the world.
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